
Best Funeral Home near Mahtomedi, MN

Since 1946, Mueller Memorial has been serving our community with high-quality funeral and cremation services.

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Best Funeral Home in Mahtomedi, MN

We are committed to providing every family with personalized and trustworthy service. We work closely with families to meet their needs and budgets. Our modern facilities, including our chapel, are inviting and the perfect place to host a service for a loved one. We invite our neighbors to set up a time to stop by our funeral home to see the space in person.

Funeral Services

Cremation Services

Green Burials

Top Rated Funeral Home in Mahtomedi, MN

Burial Service Options with Us

Our funeral experts will help you arrange a traditional or modern burial service, depending on your preferences. At Mueller Memorial, we can help you plan a graveside service or visitation designed to honor your loved one in a meaningful way. Holding these services promotes healing and lets family and friends gather to share memories. Families in Mahtomedi who are interested in an environmentally friendly option can choose green burial, a signature service here at our funeral home. This chemical-free process returns the human body to the Earth in a natural way. 

Personalize Your Service with Us

Personalization is a great way to honor what made your loved one so special. You may choose to highlight their personal or professional accomplishments, hobbies, or dreams. Many families incorporate favorite photos and other memorabilia of their loved ones. You can choose to hold a poetry reading or live music session at our funeral home to honor your loved one. The personalization options at our funeral home are virtually endless. 

Contact Us

To learn more about the various services we offer here at our funeral home, contact us at 651-774-9797. Our funeral experts at Mueller Memorial want all our neighbors in Mahtomedi to know that we are here 24/7 to answer any questions they may have about our funeral services. 

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